Early colours
In the first colour chart for the Ro80 there was only 3 colours, however, in the next version several new colours were added.
Two of these are a little special as they never got a number: durbagrün and derbyrot.
I know that during the years many cars were painted in "Sonderfarben" or "Musterfarben", however, these colours were never to be found in the colour charts.
So my question: Could cars be ordered in durbagrün and derbyrot or did the colours end there by mistake?
If the colours could be ordered, does anyone know (approximately) how many were sold?
Especially the light green colour is somewhat special.
Best regards from Copenhagen,
Bo Kristoffersen
Hello Bo,
the number of durbagrün is 426 and derbyrot is 224.
NSU built about 80 cars in durbagrün (only 1968) and only a few cars in derbyrot (only 1967).
Andreas Meyer, 2. Vorsitzender, Ro 80 Club International e.V. - Verein für Kreiskolbentechnik
Hello Andreas,
Thanks for the information. Being the owner of an early Ro80 I assume that you have a special interest and knowledge and that respect.
In resepct of the pictured colour chart it shows colours available in 1968, however, it appears, also the non-available derbyrot. So the conclusion must be that derbyrot was planned as a standard colour for 1968 but for some reason it was never put in production (or what you would say for a colour option).
When you know that 80 durbagrün was sold in 1968 does that mean you have the colour statistics for 1968 (and 1967 I assume)?
In that case I would be very interested to have a copy of that statistics.
As I own a 1976 Ro80 I have spent time counting the colours for all ca. 2.000 cars produced. So if you wanna know about 1976 colours I can help.
Best regards, Bo
Hello Bo,
I have the complete production data from 1967 till february 1969.
Above the "normal" colours there were a lot of rare colours in 1967:
alfarot II (no. 213, 2 cars), fischsilber (no number, 3 cars), silbermetallic (593, 1 car), silbergrau (518, 1 car), schwarz (590, 1 car), derbyrot (224, 1 car), bristolgrau (no number, 1 car), jagdgrün (425, 1 car), grün (no number, 1 car), floridagrau (no number, 1 car), oppokgelb (no number, 2 cars), rauhreif (no number, 1 car).
In 1968 the rare colours are durbagrün (426, 87 cars), schwarz (590, 16 cars) and zitronengelb (no number, 2 cars).
Andreas Meyer, 2. Vorsitzender, Ro 80 Club International e.V. - Verein für Kreiskolbentechnik
Hello Andreas,
... and I have the complete production data from model years 1976 and 1977.
The rare colours for 1976 are (2109 cars):
As you may now, A1 is a standard colour for 1976, B7, T1, K1 and D1 are old standard colours, and X3 is a new standard (metallic) colour for 1977.
As also appears, there was quite a lot of "Sonderfarben" - I guess it was mostly "Direktionswagen".
The "Sonderfarben" mostly has 4-digit numbers like 9999 and 9755.
Best regards, Bo
Ein Ro 80, Mod. 1976, in maya-metallic:
Andreas Meyer, 2. Vorsitzender, Ro 80 Club International e.V. - Verein für Kreiskolbentechnik
Hello Andreas,
Thanks for the pics, I have never seen this special kind of plate before.
But I know the colour very well - my father had a K70 model year 1973 in exactly that colour!
Not my fathers car but a (NSU) K70 in Maya metallic.
Best regards, Bo
1977 in reinweiß, Fg.-Nr. 0871 001 077
Andreas Meyer, 2. Vorsitzender, Ro 80 Club International e.V. - Verein für Kreiskolbentechnik
Well, I was wrong - I have seen such a plate before because around 1995 I was actually considering buying this car!
At that time it belonged to Herrn Witzelmeier and the asking price was around DM 20.000. According to him the car was "polizeiweiss".
I remember a small detail: The Fg.-Nr. 0871 001 077 was high-lighted in red. Is that still the case?
Indeed, this car is one of a kind but I declined the offer as I was looking for a more period typical colour as well as a standard interior.
But I am happy that the car is in good hands.
Later when I found my "dream Ro80" I bought many parts from Herrn Witzelmeier.
Best regards, Bo
Hallo Bo,
ich finde es wirklich schön, dass du dich so für unsere Seiten interessierst und hier ein bisschen frischen Wind hineinbringst.
Aber ist dir bewusst, dass aufgrund deiner Veröffentlichung alle Welt in Kürze wird einen Zusammenhang zwischen Hr. Witzelmeier und der von dir angegebenen Fahrgestellnummer googeln können?
Das fände ich eigentlich nur gerechtfertigt, wenn du das vorher mit Hr. Witzelmeier abgesprochen hättest.
Euer Webmaster
Hello Admin,
Thanks for letting me have your view on "privacy".
I must admit that I never ever considered the above information as something secret that could not be told to the public. At the time Mr. W. was a well known professionel running a workshop and selling and buying cars in the public.
I visit many different oldtimer forums and it is here my general impression that specific cars are very often known based on their owner history - "I bought the car from X who had it from Y two years ago". So when you sell a car you automatically become a part of the history of that car.
But I will keep your view in mind.
Best regards, Bo